Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bookworm ;)

For the past year now, I have gotten to dig up the bookworm in myself. For many years I didn't have time to read when my boys were little. Now that my baby is 4 years old, I can FINALLY do some things for myself without having my kids under foot! Those years were very tiring and rewarding too, but my "ME TIME" tank was empty most of the time! We give to our kids, and don't take time for ourselves. Well now I have the time, my kids don't need me as much, and WOW, is it REALLY WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!! I never thought I would come to this place, but when you are in the thick of toddler hood and baby world, you can't see your life EVER getting easier! It does of course, and it changes in different ways then you would think it would, but you of course adjust. It is Very nice, and as much as I miss my boys being cute chubby cheeked toddlers, I really like this new phase of life that we are in too. For awhile I struggled with not ever having another baby, but you do have to stop somewhere, LOL! It is nice to feel that you are needed, but your children will always need you in some kind of way. Watching them grow into the children that you have molded them to be is SO rewarding! That's the awesome part of being a Christian parent is raising our children up to Love and Serve the Lord! That's our calling as Godly parents!
Well back to my topic :) Now that I have time to read again, I feel as if I have gotten a piece of myself back that was lost! It is rewarding and enjoyable to sit and saver a book! I have missed it for too many years, and man, am I glad I can enjoy it once again!

1 comment:

Ma said...

Hey Corey,

I posted a comment to this blog when you first wrote it, but it didn't take...UGH! Anyway, I just wrote about what I remember about your transition into a book lover! About how your mom used to be so worried about you not reading and then being so worried about you reading too much :~)!
Love you, Corey,
Mrs. Edress