Sunday, November 23, 2008


November is a time for thankfulness! This year I feel year I feel very thankful for many things! I'm thankful for my families health, a job for my husband (he was laid off for 5 1/2 months this year) for family to celebrate the Holiday's with (my Mom is visiting from Fl.) these are just a few that quickly came to mind. So often it is easy to take for granted the everyday things in our lives. I think that as Christians, we are challenged to not focus on the material things that so easily distract us from the simple things that are right in front of us!! For many years I struggled with materialism, and after many years of praying for God to deliver me from that, a couple of years ago He did!! My life has been so much more fulfilling, now that I can appreciate the things that REALLY matter ( Jesus,my kids, being content with what I have ect) instead of feeling that I NEED to buy something to fill that void!! Jesus has been So faithful to me and my family, and I will Forever be thankful to Him :) God Bless!


Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...
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Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

What a hearfelt, touching post!

God long for each of be willing to walk the road of brokeness. It's not easy..but rather, often very hard. Yet, when we choose to walk in brokenness before HIM, his precious LOVE and LIGHT, shine thru the cracks that remain from our brokenness.

God is doing an amazing work in your heart friend....and there is NO greater place to rest..than in him, and being TOTALLY content!

You are so right, we all have SO much to be THANKFUL for...and it's so important to keep our eye's off of material things...and train our children in the same manner.

It blesses my HEART to see the work God is doing in your life, Cliff's life, and in the lives of your precious boys!!

Keep resting and clinging to him Corey, for he will NEVER leave you!!

Blessings sweet friend.

(ok...that was me...who deleted the above fingers were movin' to fast:-)